Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Revision Notes for SA1

Dear all,

Here are some reminders again for tomorrow's paper.

- Remember to highlight the key words tomorrow (tenses, main nouns/verbs, singular/plural) and draw the arrows to arrive at the answers. You need to zoom in and focus on the items in the questions to help you. This will also help you in your checking. Bear in mind this simple but important skill.

- Read through the passages first (except for comprehension OE) and grasp the main idea of the passage. This will help you comprehend the passage first. Thereafter, go through the key words in the questions. Form images in your mind as they can help you to answer the questions.

- For your comprehension OE, jot down in point forms or with the questions your Pre-Reading (What I know, What I want to know). You can tell the story briefly through the questions. This stimulates your understanding before you read. Highlight key words in the questions (5W 1H, tenses, key ideas and singular/plural form).

- Don't forget to be specific in your answering as I have taught you all along.

Grammar Notes 

1. Verb Noun Verb rule 

The second verb is always in the root word form (Present tense, Plural form)

The boy made Tom steal the wallet.
I saw the group of boys run away.
He witnessed Peter take the money,

2. Pronouns 

Check for the gender carefully before placing the right pronoun.

The boy said that the wallet belonged to him.
Mary told us that the pencil case was hers.

3. Using of 'Whom'

Person WHOM Person 

Father whom I spoke to about the broken car is furious at me.
Mr Tan whom I shouted at is crying now.
The group of boys whom the principal is talking to about their behaviour has to each write a reflection.

4. Neither.......nor.............

Neither Noun1 nor Noun2 verb .................

Always look at the second noun to determine if the verb is in the singular/plural form. This is called the proximity rule. Look at the 2ND noun.

Neither Peter nor the boy is at the field now.
Neither the boy nor the girls are here now.


Paul prefers walking to running.
He prefers the the blue cap to the green cap.

6. Main Noun

In a set of nouns given, check for the main noun to determine if the verb is singular/plural.

Jim, together with his brothers, is going for the party.
Sally, together with her friends, is here now.


1. In spite of / Despite

You can use the words 'the fact that' after in spite of and despite.

In spite of the fact that there was a heavy rain, the boys played soccer outdoors.
He continued making fun of the small boy despite the fact that he was scolded severely.

2. Unless

Unless shows an action and a consequence. It shows a positive against a negative action/consequence.

Unless you study hard, you will not do well in your examinations.
The boy will go for the party unless his mother changes her mind.

3. Rather.......than 

I would rather walk than run.
He would rather sing a song than read a book.

4. If only

If only Jimmy did not have his tuition class, he would have gone for the party.

All the best everyone. Read carefully. Please check and be meticulous. Write neatly. You can do it! :)

Mr Nelson Ong

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